Join us in prayer for an end to global slavery with our charity partner IJM.

We pray that we would see millions of slaves set free and the end of slavery for good. ‘And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8).

New Wine
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


As we start Lent, many of us will be considering how to prepare for Easter. This year, IJM UK is inviting us to embark on a 40-day journey of education and prayer, helping us to learn how slavery is hidden in the supply chains of many of the everyday items we may fast from: items such as chocolate and coffee.

Please pray for thousands to sign up to Make #SlaveFree Normal and learn about our connections to slavery today. Through the weekly videos, pray that the dark horrors of modern slavery would be brought into the light. Pray that as IJM raises awareness, communities across the nation will be filled with hope that change is possible!

Please pray that as churches engage with Make #SlaveFree Normal, they’ll learn more about God’s heart for justice and what it means to be his disciples in the world today. Pray that the Church would continue to lead the global fight to end slavery and be empowered to take compassionate actions.

Please pray that this 40-day journey would lead us to see that transformation is possible! Pray that we would see millions released and the end of slavery for good, as we learn to ‘act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly’ with our God.

Thank you for joining us in prayer. We would love to hear your story of God at work in your home, family, church & community. Email us at

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