Join us in prayer for the life-changing work of our charity partner CAP.

At the start of this new year, we pray for all those who are struggling with debt, that they would find the help and support they need, as well as faith in our loving, generous God. ‘He will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them’ (Ps 72:12).

New Wine
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2021


‘CAP has given me heat, food, family, security and contentment. Most of all it’s given me a faith.’ Read more of CAP client Lorraine’s story here and pray for others struggling with unmanageable debt.

January can be a time of counting the cost of the festive season. For many reasons, people often delay seeking help with their debts, even if it’s causing them to feel isolated, or weighing heavily on their family.

At CAP (Christians Against Poverty), we know there’s always hope: we see it in the thousands of people who become debt free through the support of our partner churches every year. No wonder so many of our clients tell us they wish they’d called sooner, rather than struggle on their own.

Please join us in praying for those who need this help, but are delaying seeking it, whether out of fear, embarrassment or simply not believing anyone can help them. Ask God to help remove the stigma around debt and financial struggles and help us to talk more openly about these things. Pray that they would find support: that they would be treated with compassion and dignity on the way to resolving their money worries.

Lord God,
We pray for anyone facing unmanageable debt right now and ask that they would seek help sooner rather than later.
We ask you to show them there is hope beyond their current circumstances.

Thank you for joining us in prayer. We would love to hear your story of God at work in your home, family, church & community. Email us at

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